This was one of my school assignment. We were asked to create a series of infographic slides for a fictional city named Boxton. These slides are supposed to be part of a presentation given to the City Council by a member of the City of Boxton District School Board (CBDSB), regarding the need for accessible internet access for outlying rural areas.

Design constraints:
A four-slide presentation.

- SLIDE 1:
   Accessible internet for all (slide cover).

- SLIDE 2:
   School Board catchment area
    • City of Boxton (10 km radius)
    • Suburbs (15 km radius)
    • Rural communities (25 km radius)
- SLIDE 3:
    • 3/10 children don't have access to internet due to location,
    • 2/10 children don't have access to internet due to socio-economic status.
- SLIDE 4:
   Proposed solutions:
    • Improve infrastructure.
    • Provide access subsidies.
- We may word the slides as we like.
- Keep it simple!
- Boxton logo must be included on each slide.
- We may add graphic elements of our own, but no photographs!
- Use a color palette.
- Slide size: 4:3.
- Using Microsoft PowerPoint (landscape).
Here's my submission:
Slide 1
Slide 2 & 3
Slide 4
Thank you.

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